Encouraging women to behold Jesus Christ and persevere in their walk with Him through life’s challenges, experiencing the hope and joy that can only be found in Jesus.

Hello Friend 💕

Welcome to Women of the Way! Our hope is to provide avenues of encouragement for women to persevere in the faith through books, blogs, podcasts, events, and social media with transparent conversations about the delicate balance of joy and sorrow this side of heaven. We pray that you find comfort, joy, laughter, and most of all Jesus in all that you see, hear, and read. Know that we lift you up in prayer, that you matter to us and to Our Savior, and that He wants you to seek Him for your life.

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Elisabeth Elliot Quote Traveling With God Every Step of the Way

Women of the Way Blog

Get ready for raw conversations with the ladies of Women of the Way. The ladies will be sharing real life issues in the lives of Christian women. They have a lineup of important topics to share that will bring thought, heartache, tears, smiles, giggles, belly-laughs, and so much more. The little and the big moments in life captured in stories: snapshots along The Way. The hard, the broken, the heartsick, as well as the sweet, the JOY, and the overwhelmingly beautiful parts of life as we inquire of the Lord to walk beside us and give us guidance.

three women sharing during a Bible Study

Who it’s for:
Women of all ages who aren’t perfect in their pursuit of holiness; those of us who strive to live for Him. For those of us who are living amidst the sin of this world, whether our own sin consequences or that of another’s. Women who are seeking true, authentic conversations about real-life situations. We’ll share in the joy and the heartache of our fragile, human lives – always, always, pointing to the One who gives us breath and the promise of eternal life.

What’s included:
Women of the Way as well as guest contributors share stories that will capture your heart and take you to a place of thought. Our writers will reveal their hearts, confess their shortcomings and strengths, remember with us a moment of their lives (or a lifetime), and reveal the lessons or revelations they’ve learned along the way.  

kind words from Readers

  • “Women of the Way is such an exciting opportunity for daughters of the King! God has inspired these women to bring ladies together to equip, discuss, and teach women. Through faithful obedience to the word of God and His design for Christian womanhood in our ever-changing and challenging world today!”

    – Lynda Henry