Our goal at Women of the Way is to provide venues of encouragement for women to persevere in the faith through books, blogs, podcasts, events, and social media with transparent conversations about the delicate balance of joy and sorrow, this side of heaven.
As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, in addition to our other affiliate partnerships. In other words, we receive some income from those items purchased through the affiliate links that are found in many of our posts here. You might be surprised to learn of the expenses that go into running a podcast and blog such as this and so this is one of the ways that we are compensated for this cost.
Our goal is to only promote products that we personally use, believe in, or can wholeheartedly recommend. We only recommend books and products as we would to any friend of ours. While you might not always agree with our recommendations, you can always count on them being based on our most genuine evaluation.
What is an affiliate link/referral link?
Sometimes we might mention that a link is an affiliate link. This only means that when we are recommending that product or service, and if you choose to purchase that product or service upon our recommendation, we will get a small referral commission and this is at no additional cost to you.
We value you and pray that we can be a blessing to you through our time and our efforts in Women of the Way. We are thankful for you and as the Lord to shine His grace and love upon you.
In Christ Jesus,
The Team at Women of the Way