Yesterday I sat in a waiting room.

I sat there a very long time waiting for my name to be called. As I sat there, I read the forms they gave me to sign. If you’ve ever had a surgical procedure, you’ve signed these forms. They explain in detail every possible thing that can go wrong during or after your procedure.

You sign your name indicating you understand the risks. This is when my instinct to “flee” usually kicks in.

I panicked for a minute and started weighing my options for escape.

A gentleman was in this waiting room with me. He must have sensed my anxiety, because he looked at me and said, “This is the worst part…the waiting.”

I agreed with him then added, “Well, hopefully, this is the worst part.”

He thought for a moment then responded by saying, “True. If this is the worst part, then it will be worth the wait.” His name was called, and I was left alone in a cold waiting room, pondering his statement.

Medical waiting rooms are not fun. But sometimes an even harder waiting room to be in is God’s waiting room.

As women, we spend a lot of time in this room.

We offer our prayers to our Heavenly Father then we wait.

  • We wait for the gift of motherhood, or
  • For our prodigals to return.
  • We wait for our dreams to come true.
  • We wait for a husband or
  • wait for God to turn our husband’s heart to Him.
  • We wait for healing or
  • Relief from the trials of this life.

Often, we send God our prayers and then we try to snatch back control instead of waiting.

If you’re in His waiting right now, I encourage you to trust Him, in the same way I had to trust Him yesterday. All I could see were white walls and fear-inducing forms. But God knew on the other side of the waiting room I’d have a procedure that was necessary and beneficial.

Unlike us, He sees beyond the waiting room.

If you’re waiting right now, there are things you don’t know. Cling to what you do know.

  • God is very good at being God.
  • He knows what you need before you ask Him.
  • There’s purpose in and beyond the waiting room.

If waiting in this life is the worst part, it will be worth it when prayers are answered.

Life Application

Keep bringing your requests to the Lord and trust Him with the results on the other side of the waiting room.