Her love for Jesus was as extravagant as the expensive perfume she poured on His feet. The sweet fragrance that filled the air displayed her understanding of who Jesus was and what He had come to do. On the contrary, her critic lacked both love and understanding.

Beneath the Surface

Jesus saw beneath the surface of the man who appeared to be righteous and the woman who appeared to be foolish. He knew the man’s expressed concern for the poor was a facade. He knew the woman’s “brazen” act was indicative of a humble and grateful heart. The mocking and chastising of the woman didn’t conceal the envious, wicked heart of the man. He may have fooled others, but he didn’t fool Jesus. The woman spared no expense to honor Jesus. She didn’t consider the cost to her pocketbook or her reputation. The man carelessly exchanged fellowship with God for a meager 30 pieces of silver. Judas of Iscariot was his name, Mary (of Bethany) was hers.

At His Feet

Mary of Bethany has always captivated me. She’s not as well-known as other biblical figures, yet I appreciate her because each time she is mentioned in Scripture she is found in the same place- at the feet of Jesus Christ. When Mary is first mentioned in Luke 10:38 she is at His feet intently listening and learning from Him (much to her sister, Martha’s dismay). The next time Mary appears (John 11:32) she falls at His feet weeping after the death of her brother, Lazarus. The final time we see Mary is the scene mentioned above. She’s found at Jesus’ feet using her hair and a bottle of very expensive perfume to honor the One she knew to be the Messiah.

Jesus Defends Mary

Like many of us, who love Jesus Christ, Mary had critics. The first was her sister, Martha. In Luke 10:38-41 Jesus goes to the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary for dinner. While Martha is distracted by dinner preparations, Mary is described as being at the Lord’s feet, listening to Him. Martha asked Jesus to tell Mary to come help her prepare dinner. Jesus responded by saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Jesus’ spoke tenderly to Martha, but His words packed a punch!

Jesus defended Mary again in John 12. This was the occasion when Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume. A room full of people smelled the intense fragrance and witnessed this act. Judas Iscariot quickly and publicly rebuked her. There’s no record of Mary acknowledging or reacting to his criticism. Instead, Jesus responded to this rebuke. His tone in this response is much harsher. He said, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”

Fully Devoted

Despite the criticism Mary endured, there’s not a single record of her defending herself. There was no need for her to do so. The time she spent at Jesus’ feet equipped her with understanding and the ability to forsake the idols of this world. She wasn’t ashamed of her zeal for the Lord. Mary wasn’t trying to please people or protect her reputation. She was intent on loving her Lord fully and living a life that honored Him. The voices mocking her were muted. The gift of gazing upon the beauty of Jesus’ face far outweighed anything this world had to offer.

Only Jesus

The only face Mary saw in these moments was Jesus Christ.

The only words she heard were those of Jesus Christ.

The only person she cared to honor was her Lord, Jesus Christ.


Because Mary poured her heart and soul into knowing and learning from Jesus, she gained understanding many others missed. When she poured her sorrow and tears at His feet, she knew Him to be the only One whose presence would bring healing. And when she poured a bottle of expensive perfume at His feet, she knew it would never compare in value to the blood He would soon pour out on the cross.

Mary wasn’t much different than you and me. She was an ordinary woman with an extraordinary faith. She clung to Jesus’s every word. And when her heart was broken, she wept at His feet. She knew the power of His presence, never wavered from truth. She valued honoring her Lord more than anything this world had to offer. And don’t miss how Jesus responded to Mary’s extravagant love. He praised her devotion, wept with her and defended her.

To my dear sisters, who are on the receiving end of criticism for your devotion to Jesus Christ, I encourage you to hold fast. He knows your heart and that of those who bite and devour you. There will come a day when He will silence your critics and defend your name. Until then, never be afraid to unashamedly give Him everything you have. Keep your eyes constantly fixed on the One who has perfectly loved you and always will.