• A Light for Our Path

    What comes to your mind when I mention Bible Study or Quiet Time? While recently visiting with some young moms, the question of a “proper” quiet time arose.  The idea that there is a certain or right way of having a quiet time surfaced. One young mother shared that her current Bible reading is via […]


  • Love Has Come and We Are Safe

    Worry has always been the background music of my life.  Safety, security, and support have been deep-rooted desires of my heart for several years.  I can remember feeling anxious about things at a young age, and as I grew older my fears and worries just grew with me.  God has proven faithful to see me […]


  • Extravagant Love

    Her love for Jesus was as extravagant as the expensive perfume she poured on His feet. The sweet fragrance that filled the air displayed her understanding of who Jesus was and what He had come to do. On the contrary, her critic lacked both love and understanding. Beneath the Surface Jesus saw beneath the surface […]


  • Lessons from the Teacup

    I love objects from the past and wonder what snapshots of Life they were a part of. Particularly, my eye is drawn toward the teacups.  At some point in history, someone sat down with that teacup and had a lively conversation with someone else… or sat quietly pondering life’s many questions.  I wonder what story […]


  • Comparison is the Thief of Joy

    Wise words penned by C.S. Lewis. The application seems simple, and it is simple. If it is so simple, though, why is it so hard? Simple doesn’t mean easy, as is the case here. Paul urges the Romans, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep” (12:15). If we back up and look […]


  • Our Unchanging God: Finding Security in an Uncertain World

    I recently realized that I have a superstitious bent to my nature.  I don’t throw salt over my shoulder or knock on wood, but I do hold tight to my fears about the future and obsessively go over them as a worry stone in my pocket.  I run them over and over in my thoughts as […]


  • Encountering God’s Tender Mercy: A Personal Testimony

    smiling woman drinking coffee that knows the Lord

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Genesis 1:1.  That’s a big beginning! We have a big God who is powerful and sustains the whole world.  He requires a lot of us in our holy living, yet he provides the means for us to live holy.  All of the grace and strength […]


  • When to Toe the Line as Parents and When to Give Mercy

    four teens smiling at the camera

    This morning when I came downstairs for my coffee and devotions, I stepped on a piece of popcorn. I looked around the kitchen floor and saw pieces of popcorn everywhere. The kids had made popcorn yesterday, enjoyed it with friends, made a mess, and didn’t clean up. The teen that was supposed to sweep the […]


  • The Divine Timing of Our Lives: Trusting in God’s Plan for Love and Marriage

    young girl riding a bike in a grassy field

    Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (KJV) Throughout my teenage years, I often found myself spending more time around adults than I did those of my own age. This may seem lonely to some, but in […]