Women of the Way

smiling woman with flower shirt standing in front of cabin

Brenda Szymczak

Brenda Szymczak lives at the base of Casper Mountain in Casper, Wyoming. She and her husband, Pete, have one son and five daughters, and one precious baby grandson. She has served in various capacities in both women’s and children’s ministry since 2002 and is currently the Director of Women’s Ministry at Cornerstone E-Free Church. Brenda enjoys creating art with her words by writing poems, stories, scripts, devotionals, and is completing her first book this year. She has a passion for helping women navigate the seasons of life that are both bitter and sweet by knowing the truth found in God’s Word and clinging to Jesus Christ through this journey. She enjoys God’s beautiful creation with outdoor activities including camping, hiking, paddle-boarding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and watching her husband flyfish the beautiful rivers and lakes in Wyoming.

Sarah Hamilton

Sarah is simply a woman loved by Jesus. She heard the Gospel when she was young through both her mom and her youth pastor. She made Him her Lord in college after He relentlessly pursued her and brought her from darkness to light. Sarah married her best friend Zach in 2013.  She has since had six kids.  Three – Samuel, Hosea, and Florence – didn’t make it out of her womb and are now living with Jesus. The other three – Zoe, Sheridan, and Sundance – are her pride and joy. Sarah loves her book club and rock climbing, and she is a birth doula part-time. In every aspect of life, she desires to love Jesus and make Him known.

happy women with headwrap and pink shirt
smiling woman with a secret drinking coffee from pink cup

Kris Katzmann

The Lord pursued Kris in college through women involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and a man she now calls her husband, Jason. She gave her life to Christ Jesus in 1994. Kris has worked for Focus on the Family and she now owns a social media freelance company where she enjoys creating social media, the graphics, and setting up systems for online businesses. Soon-to-be empty-nesters, Jason and Kris have four grown children and enjoy the Wyoming outdoors through mountain biking, kayaking, caring for their flower gardens, and their biggest love (next to the Lord and their children)… fly fishing.    

Contributing Writers

Kathryn Rayes

Kathryn is a wife, mother, friend, teacher, nurse, gardener and a follower of Christ. She loves to soak in the beauty of God’s world and to see His hands in both the simple and majestic moments. Kathryn has a heart to minister to others and to see God’s people grow in faithfulness and fruitfulness. 

smiling woman in a blue shirt
smiling woman with a green background

Michelle Smith

Michele is a forgiven and redeemed child of God who is being mercifully sanctified daily. She is a pastor’s wife and women’s ministry leader in her church in Montana. She has been married for 21 years and has 5 children, one of whom has Down Syndrome. Mountains, oceans, coffee, and music are some of her favorite things. She delights to be shown the miraculous in the “ordinary” and share it with others.

Andrea Powell

Andrea lives with her husband Matt and three of her four children in Casper, Wyoming. She’s been loved by Christ and His church all her life, including as a pastor’s wife the last 18 years. Andrea and her husband have four children whom they enjoy homeschooling. Theology has drawn her heart and mind since childhood

smiling women in light blue shirt
smiling professional woman wearing black polka-dot shirt

Jackie Huber

Jackie first heard the gospel in the summer of 1988 at a rural church in South Dakota.  From then on, she has wanted others to know the saving love of Jesus Christ. Her decision to follow Jesus later led her to Casper, Wyoming where she met her husband, Kevin. They have three grown children and soon-to-be four grandchildren.  
When Jackie isn’t loving on grandsons, she spends her time serving her local church in Women’s and Children’s Ministries as well as enjoying Wyoming’s outdoors.  Jackie likes to quilt, knit, and write, as well as hike, snowshoe, and golf with her husband.