Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around
like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” I Peter 5:8 (ESV)

Our local Parks and Recreation Department recently sent out a warning of a mountain lion sighting in one of the forested areas many of our townsfolk, including my own family, like to frequent. Reading this warning, I realized I tend to forget how to respond to various wildlife dangers. Do I climb a tree or play dead? Do I curl up in a ball or make myself look large? Do I flee or stand very still? If the danger was a T-rex, I would know to do what I naturally tend to do and freeze, not move a muscle (thanks, Jurassic Park movies).

Thus, I appreciated the department’s reminder of the various ways to lessen the likelihood of encountering a mountain lion and how to respond if we did. Some of the warnings went as follows:

  • Don’t hike or run at dawn or dusk. Mountain lions are most active during these times.
  • Never run or hike alone. Go with a friend or in a group.
  • Keep children close while on the trail. Small children running ahead may attract a mountain lion.
  • Carry a deterrent device such as capsicum spray and know how to use it.
  • Talk or yell loudly. Let others in the area know what the situation is (if you see the mountain lion.

I always appreciate a good reminder on how to be prepared for danger. Especially for the various types of wildlife and their particular behaviors.

I also like to be prepared for danger in the human form. Two easy tips I try to have my family remember are:

  • Avoid areas/situations known to have a higher probability of danger AND
  • Be alert (keep your head up, be aware of your surroundings, and be ready to respond)

However, we have a more insidious enemy than wild predators and evil criminals.

He is a master deceiver.1 He is a liar and there is no truth in him.2 He is a thief who seeks to steal more than your physical possessions, kills everything in his path, and destroys everything his hand touches.3 This enemy is the devil who prowls around seeking for someone to terrorize and devour.4

1 II Corinthians 11:14, 2 John 8:44, 3 John 10:10, 4 I Peter 4:8

I wonder if we are as prepared for spiritual danger as we are for encountering other dangers.

  • Do we recognize dangerous areas in our own lives and avoid areas of temptation aka prime times and areas of the devil’s prowling?
  • Do we have compassionate, yet godly accountability aka not hiking alone?
  • Do we watch for those that may be more vulnerable to danger?
  • Do we suit up in the Armor of God aka carry ourselves defensively and offensively?
  • Do we warn others of the danger(s) we see?

Life Application

The Bible tells us we will have trouble in this world.5 Dear friends, we must heed this warning! We should not step out in the spiritual wilderness of this world without being specially prepared to meet the enemy of our souls.

There are many ways God tells us how to deal with this spiritual predator:

  • Be vigilant and alert. I Peter 5:8
  • Don’t fight alone, but have godly friends who will walk with you, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
  • See those who are struggling in their fight and have mercy on them by snatching them out of danger’s way. Jude1:23
  • Daily put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11-17
  • Be willing to follow what the Lord says and learn to resist the devil. James 4:7
  • Be about warning others with patience and teaching of the Word. II Timothy 2:2
  • Respond to the lies of the enemies with the truth of God’s Word, like Jesus Himself did. Matthew 4:1-11

Fellow pilgrims, let us not be not afraid of the physical and spiritual dangers on the paths we are hiking. Not only has the Maker of heaven and earth given us everything we need for life and godliness,6 but He stands with us in our battles against the insidious foes we will face.7 Now that we are prepared, let’s go hiking!

5 John 16:33, 6 II Peter 1:3, 7 Exodus 14:13-14

Recommended Resources

Screwtape Letters is a fictional account of how evil and good play into a person’s life from the perspective of demons. Reading about many common temptations to mankind is quite thought-provoking and convicting.

The Armor of God is a Bible Study workbook that had a powerful impact on my prayer life as I became more aware of how Satan attacks me in my daily life and as I gained a better understanding of each piece of armor God has given us to fight and defend.

The Bait of Satan’s aim is to identify the chief scheme of the devil for the modern church in creating division to tear down the body of Christ. In a day in which the church readily divides on secondary and tertiary issues, it is a strong call to fight for Christian love.