“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.” Isaiah 26:3

God’s Perfect Peace

Have you ever faced a moment when you believed your death was imminent- just a step away? My dear friend, Charleen, had three days to prepare for what she believed would be the end of her life.

Her countless years of dwelling with the Lord allowed her to spend those three days in perfect peace. Knowing God, reflecting on His faithfulness, and clinging to the promises found in His Word brought forth calmness instead of fear. She trusted His will- even if it meant her life would soon end.

When fear and anxiety could have easily wreaked havoc, she chose to trust and hope instead. And she used those three days to continue a legacy she started- making sure it would endure even in her absence. Every week for several years she sent her grandchildren a Scripture verse or truth from Scripture for them to consider. She didn’t want this “ministry” to end. So, she spent what she believed would be her final days filling tablets of Bible verses for her husband to send their grandchildren every week.

Only a Step

Excerpt from Rest a While by Fredrik Wisloff:

“Only a step. We attach but little importance to a step.  Every day we take countless steps that are unnecessary.  A step requires such small effort that we think nothing of it.  And yet, there is but a short step between me and the unknown called death.  In view of this, what folly to live with unforgiven sins!  Within a few minutes I may find myself standing before the throne of God. Since there is but a step between me and death, there must never be a step between me and Jesus.  I must live my life with Him and in Him – never separated from Him.  Every day must be lived in the light of the accounting which I shall have to face in eternity.  I must not set foot in any place from which I cannot joyfully take the next step into eternity.”

Charleen’s Story

There was a moment in my story with God when I thought there was “But a step between me and death.”

On Valentine’s Day, 2022 I woke up in a hospital room.  I was surprised- as I expected to wake up in heaven.  I was prepared to wake up in heaven. Three days earlier I was diagnosed with a golf-ball sized tumor in the right ventricle of my brain. 

As I laid in the hospital bed after surgery, I didn’t open my eyes.  I could hear the hustle and bustle of a hospital room.  Nurses were so attentive and gentle.  I didn’t open my eyes because I didn’t want them to know I was awake yet.  I needed some time to grasp the fact that I lived- I was ALIVE! I needed time alone to process this reality with my Savior.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I praised my Lord.  I didn’t have to leave my beloved husband and family.  I could think clearly, and my body seemed normal.  God had graciously granted me more time on earth and guided a skilled doctor as he cut through my brain to remove the tumor.

I finally opened my eyes and greeted the world.  For three days following my diagnosis, I had prayed earnestly that God’s will would be done and that He would take care of my loved ones.  I don’t know why but I never prayed that He would let me live.  I only wanted God’s will. 

It has now been two years and I have finally figured out why I didn’t ask the Lord to let me live.  I was not sure what life would look like after invasive brain surgery and I was overwhelmed. But I had total peace that God would know and do best, no matter what.  He would take care of my family.  Surprisingly, I slept well those three nights before surgery and counted my blessings.

Mind Stayed on God

Isaiah 26:3 ‘’You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

In a culture filled with lies and deceptions, I can assuredly say this verse is true- I have been there.

-Charleen Bichel-

What about you? Have you ever faced something that should rationally cause fear, yet experienced God’s perfect peace that surpassed all understanding? We’d love to hear your story too!