“The Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son,”
Deuteronomy 1:31

“Will you carry me, Mom?”

My eyes met my little girl’s eyes and a smile spread across my face. Of course. Of course, I will carry you.

And oh how I delight to carry her. To hold her safe. To hold her close. To protect her. To love her. To carry her.

But how much more, does our faithful Savior delight in carrying us, in his perfect wisdom and perfect way?

Scripture tells us that the Lord carries us with great love and He carries us throughout our lives.

He carries us with great love

He carries us with compassion, as a father carries his son. In Deut 1:31, Moses recounts God’s provision and care for the Israelites, reminding them that even when they were disobedient, forgetful of God’s provision, bitter and resentful over their circumstances, God carried them. Isn’t that incredible? Even when we are ungrateful and forgetful, “the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son,” (Deut 1:31, ESV) Clearly, the Lord carries us with great mercy. He does not refuse us because of our failures. He does not turn His back. But in every situation, He is consistent and wholly loving regardless of whether we deserve His compassion or not. He carries us as a father does his beloved child.

Lord, thank you for your tender mercies that are overflowing and abundant. Thank you for carrying us with compassion and care. Thank you for loving us far beyond what we could ever deserve.

He carries us throughout our lives

Scripture also indicates that God carries us throughout our lives. Psalm 139:13 says that he used his own hands to knit us together in our mother’s womb. Imagine the Lord gently forming us in the earliest stages of life! “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13, ESV). Isaiah 46:3-4 further unfolds this picture and reminds us that God carries us not just in the womb, but all the days of our lives. You are “borne by me from before your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age…and to gray hairs, I will carry you.” (ESV). He carries us during the times of greatest vulnerability, and he does not stop or give up. Never does He grow weary of sheltering and protecting us. He carries us all our days.   

Lord, thank you for your faithfulness. You walk with us and carry us through every moment. Truly, you are with us always. Teach me to rely on you, to rest in the protection of your arms.

Application For Your Life

Wherever you are in life, whether young or old, teen or middle-aged, facing trials of many kinds, or walking in a sweet time of nearness with God, remember that He carries you. He is with you in every season. Our God is a God who keeps his promises. He will consistently and compassionately care for you.

Recommended Resources

Spend time meditating on Deuteronomy 1, Psalm 139, and Isaiah 46. Note the character of our great God. He is wise and powerful, He is gentle and loving. He is near and present with us.