Hello, this is Lynda Henry, a fellow sister in Christ serving the Lord with you all! As I contemplated writing this post to help welcome this holiday season, the Lord continued to lay on my heart a passion for truly seeking His plan in how we are to celebrate family and gather together in thankfulness for all of Christ’s provision in our lives!

Family spending time together roasting marshmallows together near  Christmastime

This happens by taking hold of the here and now and pursuing every opportunity we have to be present with those we hold dear. These God-provided moments can take on so many different forms, in this day and age.

We often run to keep up with the pace that the world seems to demand of us, telling us what we need, what we should want, and what we need to accomplish to make everyone’s “happiness” happen.

What a huge burden!

The practice of presence rather than presents is my goal this holiday season!

My children’s lives are ever-changing. They are now parents and are creating their own family traditions. My presence in their “here and now” is what they desire most of all! My life takes its twists and turns, and it becomes more and more apparent to me that TIME is the gift that matters more than anything else. Spending quality time with those we love and the JOY this creates is the completely perfect gift!

Here are a few ways to practice presence over presents this holiday season:

Prioritize beginning each day in the presence of your Savior.

We call this season “the most wonderful time of the year”, but often our time gets consumed with worldly expectations instead of genuine joy. In Psalm 16:11 Scripture says “You make known to me the path of life; In YOUR presence is fullness of joy; at YOUR right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Complete and perfect joy is only found in God’s presence. Before the world creates your agenda, spend time alone with Him. Allow your soul to be nourished and refreshed by His Word, in prayer and in private worship with the One we celebrate this season.

mom and son ice skating with text overlay "3 ways to practice presence rather than presents

Choose the “better thing.”

In Luke 10, Martha is bothered that her sister, Mary, is not helping her prepare a meal. Instead, she is found spending time at the feet of Jesus. When Martha expressed her frustration to Jesus, he explained to Martha that she was worried and anxious about many things, but Mary has discovered the ONLY thing worth being concerned about, and she had chosen it.

This season is busy and it’s easy to get concerned and anxious about details that have no eternal significance. If creating an extravagant meal requires you to spend more time in the kitchen than with your guests, order pizza and choose quality time! Share the reason you have hope and joy in this season. Reflect the love, compassion, and mercy of our Savior. In the end, people won’t remember the food – but they’ll remember your words and how you made them feel welcome and loved when they came to visit.

Make homemade gifts.

Although people enjoy receiving gifts, most actually appreciate the thoughtfulness behind the gifts more than the gift itself. If you’ve taken the time to use your talents to create something for the recipient, the gift becomes even more meaningful. And while you’re baking those cookies, knitting those scarves, painting those pictures, and designing those wreaths, pray for the recipient of them.

What a powerful way to include God in the gift-giving by interceding on their behalf while you bless them with your hands! Gifts are part of this season because of the Gift of grace we have been given through Jesus Christ. But we shouldn’t be consumed with buying the perfect gift. Instead, we should recognize the only perfect gift we’ve been given through Jesus Christ and choose to extend and express that blessing in meaningful ways.

May your holiday season be blessed beyond measure by embracing solitude with your Savior, choosing people over perfection, and focusing on the good and perfect gift we have been given in Christ Jesus this season.