“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”

Psalm 91:1

Abiding in His Shadow

Psalm 91 has always been one of my favorite psalms because of the beautiful imagery that describes our God, and the rich meaning of the psalmist’s words. The opening verse “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” translated with biblical definitions means: “The one who sits for a long time with the Almighty God will permanently reside under His divine protection.”

Refuge Under His Wings

The psalmist describes God’s feathers and wings as providing refuge for His children. This image relays a comforting truth that nothing touches our lives without first being filtered through the sovereign hands of our Lord.

No Fear

The psalm mentions terrors at night, arrows by day, danger and pestilences that stalk us. Yet we are told we will not fear these things.

Then the caveat to not fearing these dangers is reiterated when the psalmist redefines the audience. They are “those who have made the Lord their dwelling place.”

Angel’s Protecting Us

Our God knows our beginning and our end. His protection over our lives is both physical and spiritual. He personally protects us, and He orders His angels to do the same. His will and His ways are perfect.

The psalm ends with God’s words of assurance to those who know Him. He promises to hear, deliver, and satisfy us.

With Us in Trouble

But most importantly, He promises to be with us in trouble. We are surrounded by trouble, but God is constantly surrounding us.

The one who dwells with the Lord proclaims Him to be the “One in whom I trust.” The psalmist trusts God because he knows God. He knows God because he knows God’s Word and constantly communes with Him. His trust in God is not because he won’t have trouble but because he knows he will never face trouble alone.

God’s presence is the ultimate, never-changing promise. And nothing is more comforting than understanding this reality. The world induces anxiety but knowing God eliminates fear.

Sweet sister, I encourage you to open God’s word and sit with Him today. Let the words of truth penetrate your weary heart and the wonder of His beauty comfort your longing soul. Begin today in Psalm 91.